Here’s something different in the free from market – Quinoa Crack.
It’s a newly launched 100% quinoa cereal in a box with nothing else added – and sold direct to the consumer by the quinoa grower / producer, who is based in France, and works with a local farmer there. The cereal is sold in parcels of 8 boxes, so the idea is that potentially interested consumers ‘buddy up’ with friends to buy in bulk and share the products between them. Alternatively, shoppers can try to persuade their local small traders to stock the cereal.
Why this approach? Because Jason, the man behind QC, is looking to avoid the ‘impersonal food distribution and retail chains’ that dominate. “The goal is actually to e-commerce this cereal as much as possible and have a bunch of non-professional ‘dealers’ organising group purchases,” as he put it to me. It’s an original idea – and it has well-known nutritionist Amanda Hamilton in support as ambassador – but will it take off?
The product is gluten-free, of course, which means it should potentially be catching the eye of not only coeliacs but those with IBS and looking to reduce FODMAPs, and those avoiding gluten for other reasons. I hesitate to use the expression clean eating, which I don’t much like, but I guess it will appeal to those for whom that way of life has become the norm.
But all this will only happen if word spreads …
Here’s the thing. I regularly see tweets and blogs gushing over the launch of the latest mass-marketed junk treat – witness the inexplicable fuss being made over Gregg’s first gluten-free launches, which are, I kid you not, a gluten free brownie and a toffee popcorn crispie – so I hope enough social media commentators and free-from consumers make at least a little noise about Quinoa Crack to give it a fighting chance of succeeding. It’s different, and if you want healthier and better free from options, supporting and spreading the news about an initiative which is trying to do something fresh is one way to help …
For more information, see the Quinoa Crack website.